
HIV prevention implementation and reproductive health education for the well-being of Maasai communities

Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT)

To deliver sexual and reproductive health care education to Maasai pastoralist communities in 2 villages of Ngorongoro District to prevent HIV/AIDS, which is on the rise within the community. The critical approach was to raise awareness, disseminate information, and provide access to sexual health and family planning services by facilitating healthcare workers to engage with Maasai communities in Ngorongoro without such support.

In collaboration with district health staff and village health workers, Maasai Women’s Rights and Leadership Forums were trained to access health services, including confidence building to communicate with their husbands and local dispensary staff on reproductive health and required health services.

Development of different tools based on traditional languages such as songs, theatre, and cultural ideology to reshape women’s direction in decision-making and address gender-based violence from patriarchal social systems and, therefore, continue to perpetuate detrimental images of women and their health.

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