
Enhancing Sexual and Reproductive Health Wellness in Ngorongoro District, Tanzania

Pastoral Women Council (PWC)

Building on the success of phase 1 of this project, PWC will continue sensitizing pastoralist communities of northern Tanzania to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) through forums, radio and building a well-informed and capacitated grassroots network of Community Health Workers (CHWs) to enhance their SRH wellness. This will help in mitigating high levels of maternal mortality, adolescent births, intimate partner violence, early marriages, and female school dropouts due to pregnancy, among other indicators.

Enhanced documentation and access to, preservation, and passage of indigenous Maasai knowledge and practices in traditional birth attending.

Increased uptake of SRH education and essential services by pastoralist women and girls through the incorporation of positive knowledge and practices of traditional birth attending to contextualize these services in enhancing positive pregnancy, birthing, and postpartum experiences.

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