
Documenting the Petroglyphs of Ak-Bulun (Ak-Suisky District, Issyk-Kulsky Oblast, Kyrgyzstan).

Aigine Cultural Research Center (CRC)

Spiritual practitioners in Kyrgyzstan believe that petroglyphs preserve ancient people’s knowledge, document rituals and daily practices, and contain coded information for descendants. Aigine Center will hold training seminars, work with students to certify the Ak-Bulun petroglyphs, create an online map and an information stand, and enter the complex data into the state register.

A photo base and a descriptive passport of the Ak-Bulun complex were formed to create an online map and an information stand.

An online map describing each petroglyph and photo material on the Ak-Bulun complex was developed and created.

An information stand was produced and presented to the local authorities to raise awareness of the local population for potential tourism development.

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