
Yamni laka iwanka, wan tasbaia ra

Local Partner: Wangki Tangni Indigenous Women’s Movement

The project “Yamni laka iwanka, wan tasbaia ra of the Wangki Maya indigenous territory”, is a continuation of the project implemented, Model of governance in the administration of traditional justice in the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua. The main objective is to support the implementation of the territorial development plan of the Wangki Maya indigenous territory and its communities. 

The project includes the recovery of the navigation and communication channel in Cabo Gracias a Dios with a length of 5 km, which ensures communication and access to education, food, health, security, improve accessibility and communication of the community. These strategies will promote community development and good living of 10 communities of the indigenous territory Wangki Maya. 

Se llevaron a cabo dos intercambio de conocimientos, 30 líderes comunitarios y territoriales capacitados 40 mujeres organizadas intercambian conocimientos 1 resolución presentada a los gobiernos municipal y el gobierno regional 10 comunidades cuentan con vías de acceso que garantizan su seguridad y desarrollo comunitario, lo que significa que mas de 1800 familias se ven beneficiadas directamente con la construcción del canal.

Local Partner:
Wangki Tangni Indigenous Women’s Movement is an organization of Indigenous Women from communities, working in diversity for the human rights of Indigenous Women and their Family. The organization builds an integral relationship with Mother Nature, collective and individual well-being, economic, cultural, social, spiritual and physical, and participates in the decision-making that affects lives; and works to guaranteeing current dignified conditions and for future generations.

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