
Te ‘ai ‘a tau

Local Partner:  Association HAURURU

‘Ai a tau literally means food for the ages. This project mainly focuses promoting the culture of indigenous food plants such as the sweet potatoe species (‘umara), rare species of breadfruits (‘uru), yam (ufi), among others.  Revitalization of ancient food in Fare Hape village will contribute to educating our people about their benefits, encouraging them to use them as often as rice and other imported starch.  Long term goals include replanting of traditional food plants in the valley and in our communities households. The project includes an archaeological study of the areas to be used (Moohono, Paul NIVA), plants, equipment (crusher), geological study and a study of the plants (Ravahere TAPUTUARAI, Jean-François BUTAUD). The whole project, from the survey to the propagation in the families will be documented to make 2 26 minutes documentaries.

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