
Strengthening of Indigenous knowledge in prevention and treatment of Covid-19 and other dangerous diseases in Indigenous communities of Northern Kenya.

Local Partner: The New Dawn Pacesetter (TNDP).

Background and objective: The project seeks to reinforce the use of indigenous knowledge to curb and mitigate spread of covid-19 pandemic through use of traditional relevant herbs to improve body immunity and document indigenous knowledge for preservation for future generations to come. strengthen the roles of local community herbalists for continuity of traditional knowledge.
The project include community awareness creation through local radio talk shows on Covid-19 prevention and cure using traditional knowledge explained by traditional herbal experts, cultural exchange programs between traditional herbal experts and younger generations, production of magazines and film documentaries on Covid-19 and other diseases prevention and cure by traditional experts among other creative strategies.

Local Partner Information: The New Dawn Pacesetter(TDNP) was created in 2019 with the mission of working with communities to unleash their potential and give space to the less privileged. It is focus on women and girls, while promoting education for all children without cultural, health or gender discrimination, promoting women economic empowerment activities with a desire to obtain a sustainable gender mainstream and promote intra and intercommunial cultural exchanges. TNDP is governed by an advisory board of women representatives within our operations areas and a secretariat of 6 board members comprising of 90% women

Production of the magazines. Film documentaries. Empowered traditional herbalist within and beyond the communities. Revitalised the herbal practices that was becoming extinct. Promoted intergeneretational indigenious knowledge. Indirect indigenous communities have also embrassed the herbal practices.

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