
Revitalizing Indigenous Knowledge in Traditional Medicine.

Local Partner: Save PNG Inc.

With many foreign influences, Papua New Guinean youth are neglecting subsistence gardening and traditional diets of the past in favour of fast food consumerism and illegal income trends of the present which often leads to a life of crime, violence and poor health. The goal is a cultural education in traditional ways and beliefs inspires young people to become responsible leaders and stewards of indigenous medicine and healing practices in their community especially during times of crisis and humanitarian emergencies. This project works to strengthen healthy living among youth, women and elders in maintaining indigenous knowledge through promoting ecological stewardship, traditional diet diversity and native food plant diversification. Save PNG will use an interactive peer education model to communicate how natural remedies, indigenous food practices and nutrition can reduce disease and disaster vulnerability through social mobilization strategies, information sharing technologies and media awareness campaigns for rural and remote communities in Morobe Province. A simple communication kit will be used by Papua New Guineans to facilitate traditional medicine teachings for enhanced indigenous skills and knowledge building amongst interested participants.

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