
Muttošjávri Forest Peace Plan

Local Partner: Snowchange Co-operative

This project will result a road map for  Sámi  Muttošjávri reindeer herding co-operative in Sápmi/ Finland  ensuring the continuation and future for Muttošjávri reindeer and their herders recovering from the effects of industrial loggings, retaking and  reforming the relationship with areas logged and thus abandoned. When people return to the land that is destroyed and start spending time with her, with different ways of repairing the damages done, both the community and the land are starting to grow back together.

The Finnish State has not logged in the areas of Mudusjävri while Forest Peace Plan has been an ongoing process. Cumulative impact assessment will change the ways logging and reindeer herding is framed in “co- existing no-matter-what”-politics in Finland, since the damage already done shows logging has to stop.

Local Partner:

Snowchange is not an indigenous organization, but for this application, has skolt sámi artist, activista and leader Pauliina Feodoroff asked Snowchange to partner for making the Forest Peace Plan possible. The grass-root work with indigenous communities around the globe that has followed is one-of-its kind and has no resemblance on other organizations, NGOs, or actors:  

Snowchange has frequently gone to places that researchers rarely have access to. Their team has listened, and always come back to the communities, sharing the science that from the talks has been written. The mandate of shifting the focus from observing the effects of climate change to undoing the damages done to the local ecosystems has been given from the various indigenous/ native villages and communities from Sápmi, Siberia, Turtle Islands, Alaska, Aotearoa, and the home of all our humankind, Australia to Snowchange. 

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