
Mujeres participando en la protección de saberes ancestrales de sistemas alimentarios y de agua dulce del Lago Titicaca


The project will start with awareness workshops for 25 Promotors on the protection of the fresh water of the lake considered as milk of the Pachamama, the TITI as deity of water, rites of how to carry water to make it rain and the recovery of food systems of native products, who will then replicate their knowledge in 10 vulnerable communities, 425 indigenous families participating in two municipalities surrounding the “sacred lake of the Incas”, which is also the habitat of 500 thousand indigenous people between Aymara, Quechua and Urus surrounding the lake on the Bolivian side and facing harsh internal and external environmental pollution. Training Modules I, II, III and IV on water, biodiversity and culture will be developed and emphasis will be given to the care of water for food production and the preparation of local gastronomic food in permanent transformation that has an impact on human health and the environment. The main objective is to raise awareness about the protection of ancestral knowledge of healthy eating and sustainable management of water quality is and will be decisive in the face of present pandemics and future diseases.

Local Partner:

The Centro Juvenil de Mujeres Aymaras COHANA, is a non-profit organization, founded on May 15, 2005, , integrated by a group of young women forged in the struggle for justice and democracy, where the mission is to exercise our rights and obligations in equitable conditions for a life free of violence, respect for values, social participation and productive economic empowerment. It is a responsible youth organization that manages initiatives before public and private institutions to undertake integral development programs with the participation of organized Aymara women, with a cultural basis, with respect for nature (pachamama), human rights and with emphasis on the approach of “education and communication for development”, with experiences on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, the fight against violence and production of vegetables in home gardens.

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