
“Lakes are the eyes of Tengri”

Local Partner: Tengri Initiative Group

Since the pandemic began in 2020, the demand for tourism has grown dramatically in Altai Republic. This, in turn, has resulted in a landslide-like acquisition of lands in the mountains to be used as sites for expensive hotels and homes. A weakly hidden privatization of the most beautiful locations, especially mountain lakes is taking place in the name of the Republic’s economic development. Given that Russian law does not recognize a category for “sacred lands”, these lakes are threatened with privatization. Solutions must be developed to address this problem and to establish limits on their possible privatization. One of the most important tools is to use a federal law relating to historical and cultural heritage that provides for places to conduct rituals, ceremonies, etc. to establish natural monuments in need of protection. Another approach is to work with local residents to create a series of land leases (including the right to future purchase) around the lakes. Perhaps the most place is the sacred healing spring located in the female valley. Local Altaians bring their families here to ceremonially use the power of the falling water. As tourism grows, this place is becoming better known, and tourists who do not understand traditional world views or customary behaviors, visit the site without the presence of a local resident and attempt to conduct “healing” practices that reflect badly on traditional culture, behavior that could be considered borderline vandalism.Initially, the project will create councils for residents of each of the two valleys. The councils will develop agreed-upon rules and restrictions for the lakes. In the future, it is likely that these Councils will protect these lakes. The project’s results will be shared widely in local mass media and social networks. If necessary, these changes will be recorded in the charter of these settlements.

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