
“Indigenous Womens’ Guardianships of Water and Vital Ecosystems”


Background and objective: This project will support local initiatives of Indigenous Women that aim to empower Indigenous Peoples communities and organizations to protect, manage, and restore water resources. It aims to strengthen the resilience of Indigenous Women and communities, in responding to the water crisis and various crises (pandemic crisis, climate change, economy, conflict and others) that have an impact on the sustainability of Indigenous Women and communities through action research (EPM) to document knowledge, values and practices, forest management institutions, springs, and mangrove ecosystems and conduct advocacy at various political levels (village-district) for the recognition of ancestral forest and the restoration of mangrove ecosystems on the coast (which in these two areas have important water sources).

A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held which was attended by the village government, customary institutions, Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous. PEREMPUAN AMAN Paser, videos and fact sheets have been released as well as presentation materials that can be used as campaign and advocacy materials.

Local partner information:

PEREMPUAN AMAN (Association of Indigenous Women of The Archipelago) is a wing of Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) declared on April 16th 2012 in Tobelo, North Maluku. This organization was established based on the experience of indigenous women need a place to learn and consolidate themselves to be able to voice their own interests. Its aim are to facilitate indigenous women organized themselves, their knowledge and their rights. This organization consists of individuals of indigenous women from AMAN’s community members. Currently, there are 2,787 members who are consolidated in 65 Organizing Regions in 6 regions in Indonesia, namely Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Bali-Nusa Tenggara, and the Maluku Islands.

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