
Indigenous Conservation of Ewaso Nyiro River –Lower Catchment for Peaceful coexistence.

Local Partner: Isiolo Peace link

Background and objective:The Ewaso-Nyiro river is the only river that flows Northwards in Kenya that also provides dry season refuge for the down stream users as it act as reservoirs for livestock and wildlife as well supports multiple communities in upstream and downstream for domestic uses and farming. The river is impacted by climate change and unpredictable weather patterns that has resulted in the reduction of water levels thus contributing to resource based conflicts due to scarcity.

The project ” Indigenous Conservation of Ewaso Nyiro River –Lower Catchment for Peaceful coexistence” aims to address the aforementioned issues through advocacy and sensitization using camel caravan for the Conservation of the river and peaceful coexistence of communities as well as support the protection endangered wildlife species like reticulated girraffe and Grevy zebras found along the catchment of this river. Isiolo Peace Link will hold annual camel caravan 2021 Edition and ensure sustainability of the annual caravan by establishing a secretariat for the Camel caravan, caravan committee and own herd of six load/riding camels; train camel herders, establish tree nursery and undertake restoration and enhance documentation of songs, stories, poems and debate by Children and Youth.

Local partner information:
Isiolo Peace Link was started in the year 2006 and registered with the Kenya department of social services as a community based organisation working on peace building, early warning and early response mechanism, Community Natural resource management conservation, Promote ADRIs (Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions). It has over 10 years of experience with good working relations with the various stakeholders in the county on peace and security issues.

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