
Hwial’asmut tu tumuhw (Taking Care of the Earth)

Local Partner: Stqeeye’ Learning Society

This project seeks to develop a land and sea based educational program that has two ultimate goals: 1) to strengthen climate resiliency of Indigenous youth, their families and communities through the reconnection with the rich cultural knowledge, practices and traditions carried by Quw’utsun Elders and knowledge keepers; 2) Identify and develop a collective of land and water guardian leaders who will work with other Quw’utsun communities to identify and lead the restoration of coastal and marine ecosystems.

Local Parther:

In 2015, a small group of mostly Quw’utsun people who trace their lineage to the families of the village site of Xwaaqw’um (currently Burgoyne Bay Provincial Park), came together to reintroduce themselves  to the land. Buoyed by community interest, in 2017, formed the Stqeeye’ Learning Society, an Indigenous-led nonprofit, governed by a board of directors who are the decision-making body.   

Their mission is to re-presence themselves at Xwaaqw’um by bringing together and engaging our youth/Elders/Knowledge Keepers to continue and demonstrate the restoration and cultural practices that have sustained us through thousands of years.

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