
Fondo de apoyo a iniciativas que promueven el desarrollo con identidad de las juventudes indígenas

Local Partner: Red de Jóvenes Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe (Juventud Indígena LAC)

The network aims to contribute to the economic empowerment of indigenous youth from the perspective of good living. Therefore, in coordination with FILAC and other organizations, a competitive fund will be created for initiatives of indigenous youth in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The purpose is to support community processes of economic reactivation or productive-sociocultural innovation carried out by indigenous youth. The fund will be called “Support for collective and intergenerational initiatives of indigenous youth of Abya Yala”. 

Se ha logrado, a partir de la concurrencia de distintos financiadores, a 10 organizaciones. El proyecto ha permitido ajustar y consolidar 8 procesos diferenciados y 4 herramientas técnicas, administrativas y legales para una gestión adecuada y pertinente, para proyectos de jóvenes indígenas, para el Fondo Concursable Kolom No´ooj.

Local Partner:

Founded in 2010, the Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous Youth Network, is a regional platform that articulates the organizational processes of indigenous youth at the local and community level in the Latin American and Caribbean region. It is made up of indigenous youth from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Belize and Venezuela; it seeks to contribute to the processes of empowerment of indigenous youth under the principles that govern their Peoples, promoting intergenerational dialogue and the revitalization of identities.

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