
Culture and Practices for Natural Resource and Community Risk Management

Local Partner: Centro Juventude Covalima (CJC)

Background and objective: Through the project “culture and practices for Natural Resource and Community Risk management” CJC aims to expand its activities from previous grant to target to the remote highland community in other districts in the municipality that mostly prone to disaster such as landslides, strong wind and mostly practice “slash and burn” culture of shifting cultivation due abandonment of Tara Bandu culture- a system of local rules set by different communities on sustainable use of natural resources and its management including conflict resolution. The impacts and changes generated from previous project showed that Tara Bandu tradition was preserved and revived into practice again for sustainable management of natural resources . Currently the tradition of Tara Bandu is under threat in target areas and less practiced under present legal system which is not effective in control and management of community resources up to grassroots level and in fostering community participation and sense of ownership to control and manage community resources in their territories. 

The project will undertake community based disaster risk management activity to identify the types of disaster and risks at the community level and plan how community can mitigate/prevent such disaster. The Tara Bandu will be introduced as an entry point to address related issue to disaster risk management . It will facilitate workshops and exploratory meetings. It will also use the Tara Bandu regulation will be disseminated widely with the community and for advocacy with the local authorities. 

Local partner Information:CJC is a youth organization established in 2001 to provide a space for young people to actively engage as an agent of social transformation in their society. The CJC is mainly working with young people to promote and enable critical thinking and foster a sense of responsibility as Timorese future generation concerned with the enhancement of the youth’s potentials and capability to enable them to gain self-confidence, to join with others and participate in actions to change their situation and tackle the problems that the community and they face.

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