
Women’s involvement in solving climate change in West Kalimantan – Indonesia

Local Partner: Indigenous Peoples Alliances of The Archipelago – West Kalimantan Region (AMAN KALBAR)

Background and objective: 
This project will facilitate and assist indigenous women in the management and use of natural resources in customary areas of economic value and increase the active role of indigenous women in making decisions . In the practice of managing natural resources by corporations so far women have not been involved even though indigenous women have the potential to support and defend indigenous territories, uphold and adhere to the rules of customs, traditions, habits in managing customary territories so that the sustainability of indigenous territories is maintained. 

The project aims to provide Indigenous women with an understanding of their essential role in the protection of nature and the prevention of climate change. The program will be carried out in the form of a training and capacity building for indigenous women in 6 villages (Sekendal, Limpo, Antajam, Kelepuk, Bareh, and Engkitip), Air Besar Sub-Districk, Landak Regency, West Kalimantan. Each program will prioritize the involvement and participation of indigenous women so that they are respected and valued in decision-making processes in the management and protection of nature and their indigenous territories. 

Increased Involvement of Indigenous Women in the Public Space, both in terms of resource management, expression of opinions to women’s leadership at the village bureaucracy leve. The formation of the Indigenous Women’s Productive Business Group, namely the cultivation of organic vegetables developed by utilizing local knowledge to support the economic independence and climate resilience of Indigenous Women.

Local partner information: AMAN KALBAR is an independent social organization whose members consist of indigenous peoples communities in West Kalimantan. The communities in West Kalimantan face problems that threaten their existence as indigenous peoples from multiple aspects seems like a violation of human right, customary robbery land, insulting cultures, various policies that deliberately marginalize Indigenous Peoples, discussed and find the way out.

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