
Transmisión intergeneracional de conocimientos tradicionales para enfrentar el cambio climático

Local Partner: Centro de Comunicación e Investigación Indígenas Chaski Nayrampi 

The objective of the project is to promote intergenerational dialogues between elders and young people from the Omaguaca, Kolla, Aymara and Lickanatay indigenous peoples. The exchange programs include the use of traditional knowledge on reforestation of native species, production and conservation of medicinal plants and traditional foods, and waste management. The documentation process includes field work, and the development of videos and reports. The Andean region of northern Argentina and Chile is greatly affected by climate change, which generates soil erosion, desertification, loss of biodiversity including medicinal plants, and the emergence of new pests and diseases that affect native crops. Likewise, plastic pollution and the absence of waste management has become a critical issue, contributing to water pollution and aggravating the effects of climate change. 
Local Partner:  
Centro de Comunicación e Investigación Indígenas Chaski Nayrampi is an organization founded in 2006 in northern Chile. Its objective is to contribute to integral development and strengthen indigenous organizations and communities on issues related to biodiversity, climate change and traditional knowledge. The organization is part of the Indigenous Women Network of Biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean, and operates in the Andean region of Chile and Argentina. 

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