
Save climate save Humanity: Documentation and Promotion of Traditional Knowledge- Odisha, India

LOCAL PARTNER: Adivasi Navjeewan Gathan Navjyoti Agua (ANGNA)

Background and objective:

Indigenous communities in Sundergargh District, Odisha are at a risk of the loss of livelihood with increasing consumerism and degradation of the ecosystem by the larger development paradigm which is also causing the climate crisis. There is an urgent need to understand indigenous peoples management of their land, forest and biodiversity with the symbiotic relation between the peoples and the nature. With the modernization of agriculture in one hand and climate change on the other, the traditional livelihood practices are under tremendous pressure. However, the Indigenous Knowledge of agriculture system and use of forest resources help them to be resilient to a great extent at the time of climatic crisis. This project aims to document Indigenous Knowledge on sustainable agricultural practices and forest management and promote these practices through the traditional governance systems and social networks of indigenous peoples.

Farmers being motivated to do traditional agriculture practices. Indigenous people understood the value of indigenous knowledge system and what will be the future if we lose it as the modernity has always undermined the values of the indigenous knowledge and compelled to adopt the practices of modern agriculture and other allied activities. The importance of sustainable development for a resilient future. Famers accepting the use of bio fertilizers and understanding the disadvantages of the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Awareness among indigenous people that the indigenous languages, agriculture practices and indigenous knowledge to be recognized. Protection the indigenous food system, as the part of indigenous people.

Local partner information:

ANGNA (Adivasi Navjeewan Gathan Navjyoti Agua) verbally mean” the tribal torch of leadership for building new life” ANGNA in Sadri language means ‘Courtyard’. ANGNA was established in 1994, legally registered under Societies Act 1860 in 1998. ANGNA, as a tribal organization has been working hard at the grass roots to fight for Indigenous Peoples’ rights. As water, forest and land are centre of Indigenous Peoples’ life, their rich cultural life is also based on nature hence, Indigenous communities consider their duty and responsibility to protect the natural resources. ANGNA, as an Indigenous organization also contributing to protect them from being grabbed by corporate for mining and industries.

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