
Recuperación Económica para la Seguridad Alimentaria de las organizaciones de Pueblos Indígenas en Panamá

Local partner: CONAMUIP- Coordinadora Nacional de Mujeres Indígenas de Panamá

The objective of the project is to encourage the production of indigenous agroecological systems to strengthen food sovereignty and traditional medicine in indigenous communities, in Naso territory, Guna people, Wounaan people, Ngäbe people of Panama. 

El resultado obtenido fue que cada familia logró cosechar sus siembras en periodos cortos y periodos largos. Naso: en la comarca Naso se logro realizar una feria donde los productos de las familias beneficiarias del proyecto. Se logró capacitar a 15 mujeres en los temas de producción agrícola, avícola y huertos familiares. e fortaleció las capacidades económicas porque algunas familias lograron generar economías. Fortalecimientos de capacidades de mujeres para llevar adelante una producción agrícola. Se ha logrado diversificar y mejorar la alimentación de las familias Ngöbe.

Local Partner: 

The Coordinator of Indigenous Women of Panama – CONAMUIP, is made up of grassroots organizations of women from seven indigenous peoples: Guna, Emberá, Wounaan, Ngäbe, Buglé, Naso and Bri-bri. Established since 1993, one of its objectives is to strengthen the participation and leadership of indigenous women within the regional, national and international spheres, as manager and actor of their social, economic, cultural and political development of society. It promotes community projects and seeks to maintain traditional values. In this line, they executed projects with resources from international cooperation such as UNDP, FAO, ILO, Susan Komen, Canada Funds, Anglican Church, Rights and Democracy of Canada, UN WOMEN, UNFPA, among others, being able through these to support actions specific or experiences of up to three years, support in the development of capacities of women, youth, children and girls. They have a technical team of indigenous women, coming from the different indigenous regions and territories that are part of the organization. 

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