
Promotion and perpetuation of indigenous knowledge for the management of forest biodiversity to strengthen of the resilience of forest indigenous agricultural producers to climate change in Mwenga territory, Democratic Republic of Congo

LOCAL PARTNER: PIFEVA (Pilier aux Femmes Vulnérables Actives en RD Congo)

Background and objective:
The Balega community has lost most of its spiritual and cultural traditions/practices and knowledge as a result of evictions from their ancestral homes. They currently live on the border of the forests that they once called home and these boundaries are made up of community forests that need protection from the threat of degradation and deforestation which would further expose them to climate vulnerabilities.
This project consists of the documentation and revitalization of Balega indigenous knowledge and practices to restore biodiversity and ensure food security of 120 agricultural producers (youth and indigenous women). It will facilitate production practices and dissemination of traditional and modern techniques that support the restoration of biodiversity; evaluate traditional seeds and foods resilient to climate change; revitalize indigenous harvest techniques and foods through open markets, indigenous agricultural fairs and documentation materials. It will also promote the exchange of indigenous knowledge to restore forest biodiversity in communities, hence, building and strengthening their resilience to climate change.

120 small agricultural producers (60 young people and 60 indigenous women) organized into three groups of 40 small indigenous agricultural producers per group are strengthened in capacities to adapt to climate change and contribute to food and economic security and to the enhancement of agricultural production and indigenous food in Ngamwa, Kasaga and Kiliungu in Mwenga territory. This initiative allowed us to discover that indigenous food systems are dynamic and their endurance only underscores their value as a reservoir of ideas capable of meeting greater dietary challenges.

Local partner information:
PIFEVA (Pillar to Vulnerable Women Active in DR Congo) is a non-profit organization supporting vulnerable women, particularly indigenous women, children, young people and local communities against poverty and injustice in eastern DR Congo. Since its creation, PIFEVA has been well involved in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects and actions that contribute to building the capacity of groups or structures of indigenous women, which aim at their emancipation, support for socio-economic and legal initiatives and cultural rights of indigenous women, protection of the environment and restoration of biodiversity, promotion of peace, mutual aid and cooperation between indigenous women and support for initiatives and innovations in sustainable development and alleviation of tasks undertaken by vulnerable and indigenous women with a view to fighting poverty and injustice in the South Kivu, east of DR Congo.

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