
Nourishing Community – TCC’s Growing Community Food Distribution Initiative

Local Partner: The Cultural Conservancy (TCC)

The Cultural Conservancy focuses on three main elements: Indigenous cultures, ancestral lands, and traditional knowledge/practices. Through creating land and food access with opportunities for knowledge and skills sharing, we facilitate community-led transformation for communities struggling with food access, traditional economies, land displacement, and physical, spiritual, and cultural health.  

Particularly in the Bay Area, a painful history of dispossession and relocation has left Native California tribes and Intertribal communities with little access to land for food production or traditional ecological cultural practices and economies. This project aims to increase our growing and food distribution, as well as increase digital access to these food knowledge systems through new online tutorials and videos. It partners with Native Chef Lois Ellen Frank (Kiowa) in creating and distributing these videos. One of the expect results is the creation of a pilot series of online Native Foodways educational/tutorial cooking videos for communities to access in partnership with seasonal foods grown and distributed through Native Foodways program. 

We significantly grew our food distribution network, more than doubling from previous seasons the amount of fresh, healthy foods, seeds and plants we donated to Native community across the Bay Area region.
Refine, strengthen and expand our programs, particularly by jumping into deep work at our new land site.

Local partner: 

The Cultural Conservancy (TCC) is a Native-led Indigenous Rights organization based in San Francisco whose mission is to protect and restore Indigenous cultures, empowering them in the direct application of traditional knowledge and practices on their ancestral lands. It works with Indigenous peoples locally and globally on a wide variety of community-based projects. Critical to its work is the acknowledgement of the sacred relationship that Native peoples have to their lands and waters and the importance of this relationship to their physical, mental, and spiritual health. In this project, TCC collaborates with locally/regionally in educational programming, food distribution and seed distribution include: Sogorea Te’ Land Trust (East Bay), Native American Health Center (San Francisco & Oakland), American Indian Children’s Resource Center (Oakland), California Indian Museum an Cultural Center (Santa Rosa) and San Francisco Unified School District Title VII Indian Education Program.  

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