
Nossos Costumes – UYEESERUKON (macuxi)

Local Partner: CIR- Conselho Indígena de Roraima (CIR)

This project is aimed at strengthening conservation activities of two natural resources associated with traditional knowledge. The appreciation of indigenous art that brings together the indigenous communities of the Amajari and Surumu region, especially the teaching of indigenous languages in schools, the making of handicrafts, culinary arts, indigenous body painting, and to understand and practice indigenous culture, where it has not been preserved. The project seeks to involve women, men, the elderly, youth, students and indigenous teachers in different activities. 

Some of the project activities include: field research, indigenous language workshops for the production and translation of 2 booklets on the origins of traditional seeds and derivatives of manioc, handicraft workshop using buriti fiber, seed and banana leaf, meeting of shamans for the appreciation of singing, praying and the use of medicinal plants, regional fair for the exhibition of indigenous products. The project also include the use of technology to display the different types of handicrafts on various digital and multimedia platforms. 

The Indigenous Council of Roraima (CIR) is a non-profit indigenous organization whose mission is to fight for the rights, culture and autonomy of indigenous peoples in the state of Roraima, specifically the Macuxi, Wapichana, Taurepang, Wai ethnicities Wai, Sapará, Patamona, Yanomami, Yekuana, Ingaricó and Pirititi; in several ethnoregions of Amajari, Tabaio, Murupu, Wai Wai, Serra da Lua, Raposa, Baixo Cotingo, Surumu and Serras. It covers an area of 35 indigenous lands and its activities focus in the areas of health, education, art, culture, territorial and environmental management, sustainable production and social promotion

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