
Empowering indigenous Chepang youth and women for promotion of Community-based Renewable Energy project (CbREP) in Nepal

Local partner: Community Empowerment and Social Justice Network (CEMSOJ)

Background and  objective: 

Despite notable progress in improving access to electricity for Nepal’s rural population, the reality of indigenous Chepangs in Makwanpur district of central Nepal is different, whereby between 600 and 900 Chepang families do not have access to electricity yet. While national electricity grid is slowly expanding in the area, the poor financial situation of most Chepangs means they will not be able to afford the electricity charges if their houses are connected to the grid. For cooking, they depend on cow dung, firewood and straw/thatch, coal and briquette. 

This pilot initiative is thus aimed for economic empowerment of the Chepangs through promotion of community-based renewable energy project that will be designed and implemented through active participation of the communities. Thereby, the Chepangs, particularly women and youth, will be able to identify local challenges and opportunities for renewable energy development and manage resources and operate such energy project by themselves

Around 50 indigenous Chepang and Tamang ave increased their awareness on community based renewable energy generation and management and/or self determined socioeconomic development through various meetings and discussions. There is increased understanding on access to and use of energy and potential for community based renewable energy development. At least 38 indigenous Chepang families (around 300 persons) in Parsibang/Khairang village have been able to access energy for the first time.

Local partner information: CEMSOJ is an apolitical, informal and not-for-profit network of human rights and development activists. Founded in 2015 as an NGO under existing laws of Nepal, its mission is to work for socio-economic empowerment and promotion of social justice and human rights of marginalized groups of Nepal, including indigenous peoples, Madhesis, Dalits, persons with disabilities, rural people and urban poor – with particular focus on women, children and youth of those groups, towards a just and peaceful society. 

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