
Emergency Support re: Covid 19

Asia Young Indigenous Peoples Network (AYIPN)

Distribution of Relief Goods (food, hygiene and sanitation items). Psychosocial Debriefing – Part of the distribution will be Psychosocial Debriefing in small groups. Production of COVID -19 Posters – Aside from information regarding the COVID-19, a poster will be distributed. Production of Literary Folio from the Psychosocial Debriefing, Visual Arts, Poems, and Songs Shall be Collated into a literary Folio entitled COVID-Dasan.Conduct of webinars and forums on various topics such as COVID 19, Mental Health, Food security. Conduct of Traditional Healing and ceremonie. Through Ashray- India: Provide immediate food support related food insecurity of marginalized Adivasi farmers, due to lockdown.(COVID-19).

We have distributed relief goods, Personal Protection equipment and hygiene kits to around 200 families in Indigenous Peoples Communities. Along with the relief distribution we have raise the level of awareness of our fellow indigenous brothers and sisters in the different communities through the discussions we have conducted. The discussions conducted were mainly on the COVID-19 but we also include some on mental health, Indigenous ways of coping in times of crises.The different workshops served as a stress debriefing activity to the community particularly for the youth and children.

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