
Emergency Support Kajiado Central Sub – County

Il’laramatak Community Concerns (ICC)

The initiative aims to hold vernacular radio talk shows in three radio stations to sensitize about the second wave of the disease. We intend to grow indigenous, traditional food in our own community, managed by the community members themselves. Facilitation and the harvest will be shared out among the most vulnerable and food insecure households and provide a seed bank for the future. Scaling up digitalization of learning between teachers and pupils in 3 learning centers, we intend to support three learning centers by providing internet connectivity between the learners and the teachers. Provision of 15 more smart phones to students.

10,000 community members were reached through vernacular radio talk shows on sensitization sessions on the effects of COVID -19 and preventive measure to combat the pandemic. 20 vulnerable children were provided with smart phones to enhance digital education amongst them during the COVID – 19 pandemic to continue with their studies even when the schools were closed. 200 community members benefited from the grown food at a community farm where indigenous crops were grown and distributed to supplement their produce at household level. Our digital education program portrayed innovativeness and was replicated by other schools within Kajiado. The ministry of agriculture was impressed with what we did at the community farm and is currently planning to expand the initiative to benefit more community members.

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