
Emergency support communities Maya Ixil and Maya Queqchi’

Local Partner: ASODEEMI- Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras del área Ixil No´j

In March 2020, the Guatemalan government decreed a state of alert for the COVID-19 pandemic, creating restrictions on movement and gatherings, and contagions began to appear in the communities. On October 30, heavy rains caused by storms ETA and later IOTA began. On November 5, there were landslides and landslides in several communities, houses were buried, bridges destroyed, rivers out of their banks, loss of domestic animals and crops, causing deaths and great material losses. Currently 90% of the communities are isolated and without access to basic services such as food and health.  

The project aims at awareness campaigns and prevention training for women, such as the use of masks, social distancing and personal hygiene. Provision of basic prevention supplies from Covid-19 and basic necessities (food). We will also deliver raw materials and minimum shelter to women victims of the storms who suffered material losses: land, houses, crops, means of production, household goods, etc.

Local Partner:

The weavers’ organization “Asociación de mujeres emprendedoras del área Ixil para el desarrollo integral NO’J ONG” -ASODEEMI ONG- which has the mission of Being an association that promotes the integral development of women, considering aspects, cultural, labor, economic, social and geographic situation, stimulating participation and integration, to improve the living conditions of women, family and society, with a focus on gender equity and social justice. The actions will be carried out in conjunction with Community Development Councils (COCODES) and the Group of Women Weavers IXBALAMKE.

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