
Economic Empowerment of Rural Youth through Indigenous and Modern Poultry and Solar Irrigated Crop Development

Local Partner: Volta Young Farmers Association (VYFA)

Background and  objective: 

Many indigenous youth could capitalize on traditional crop-livestock systems to raise their living standards and improve food security but are stopped by challenges as – slow growth and poor productivity, poor genetics, diseases; the increasingly adverse effects of climate change (erratic rainfall and dry spells) etc. Opportunities exist to improve the productivity of indigenous poultry and crop production through solar irrigation. Improving the productivity of local poultry and integrating it with modern poultry has shown to be a sustainable way of creating jobs for the youth in the rural areas.

The Project will transform indigenous poultry production and crop farming into an economically attractive venture for rural youth leading to employment opportunities and sustainably enhancing food and nutrition security outcomes. It aims to sustainably improve the economic wellbeing of about 100-200 rural youth in the targeted communities through the vehicle of indigenous & modern poultry production with solar irrigated crop production. It will build capacities and enhance the creation of specific youth-led enterprises – egg and meat production, poultry feed production, day old chick production and maize/soy bean production. These will help to stimulate economic development in the communities thereby reducing the high incidence of rural youth unemployment, rural-urban migrations and improve household food and nutrition security. 

Local partner information:

The Volta Young Farmers Association is a legally registered entity in Ghana, managed by a General Council of members. The Association is an indigenous youth-based, social-impact organization with the vision to economically empower rural youth in the Volta Region through agribusiness development.

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