
Women and Mother Earth (Institutional Strengthening of Women organization)

Local Partner: MIMAT- Miskitu Indian Mairin Asla Takanka

Improve the capacities and skills of the Miskito organizations and the local government in territorial governance under the approach of the Indigenous women’s agenda and the management of the Natural Resources they have, through the increase of the Public participation and the application of the environmental legislation, its norms and regulations.

The relevance of the project lies in the fact that it will be implemented by the organized indigenous women of the communities, thus responding to the impacts on community life in both countries.   

The main risks identified are the inequalities faced by indigenous women in terms of lack of access to education, lack of participation in decision-making structures, and lack of involvement in governance systems at both the community and municipal levels. To mitigate these risks, emphasis will be placed on working with youth, creating a leadership school to empower new generations. 

Local partner:  MIMAT is a representative organization of Miskito women composed of 1200 women members in 6 municipalities of the department. It is directed by a Board of Directors composed of 8 members. The main function as legal representative is carried out by the President of the Board of Directors.  It was constituted to provide support to society in general, in the implementation of initiatives related to integral social development, environmental protection, integrating the human being (women and family) as important actors to change the environment, strengthening their attitudes to achieve sustainable development that benefits social groups, especially the most vulnerable, generating a change of attitude among its members.  

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