
Strengthening the Customary Institution of Ketemenggungan (Customary Administration of) Sisang to Pursue More Effective and Credible Customary System and Law in Sanggau District in West Kalimantan

LOCAL PARTNER: Institut Dayakologi

Background and objective:
Despite the existence of customary institutions, community and local authorities lack common understanding and knowledge of the existence and function of customary institutions .This program aims to strengthen the customary institution of Ketemenggungan/Customary Administration of Sisang through improving and contextualizing customary institution’s system through studies and assessment, building the capacity of customary administrators and communities in legal aspect and legalizing customary institutions to protect the remaining ancestral areas and forests besides ensuring custom transfer to next generation and customary institution’s systems are in line with today’s condition by maintaining their functions and authorities in a sustainable manner in Ketemenggungan Sisang more specifically in Lubuk Sabuk and Bungkang Villages, both are located in Sekayam Sub-District of Sanggau District in West Kalimantan Province in Indonesia.

Increased awareness and participation of the Ketemenggungan/Customary Administration of Sisang Indigenous Peoples with a common understanding and knowledge of the existence and function of customary institutions in accordance with the results of participatory studies and assessments.The establishment of a flexible and legitimate organizational system of customary institutions with the existence of customary assemblies and collective strategic planninG. Increased capacity of human resources of the customary administrators/ketemenggungan and of the community in the field of critical law and empowerment.

Local partner information:
The Institut Dayakologi (ID) was originally known as the Institute of Dayakology Research and Development (IDRD) was officially established on May 21st, 1991 with a mandate to advocate for Dayak culture and indigenous peoples. Its key programs include research, studies, documentation and publication of the Dayak culture, as well as conducting advocacy for and collaboration and facilitation with the Dayak indigenous peoples.

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