
Strengthening indigenous institutions for the assertion of FPIC and self-determination in the Cordillera region, Philippines

LOCAL PARTNER: Cordillera Elders Alliance (CEA)

Background and objective:
There are at least 102 applications for mining projects and 95 applications for hydropower and geothermal power projects in the Cordillera, whereby FPIC process is manipulated and violated by the proponents and some government agencies. The project aims to strengthen indigenous socio-political institutions and practices of Cordillera indigenous peoples for the assertion of Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) as form of self-determination. Through the project, Cordillera elders will be able to enhance their roles in promoting indigenous socio-political systems, values and practices towards the assertion of the right to genuine FPIC and self-determination by Cordillera communities. The project will also contribute to wider efforts in asserting human rights amidst intensified political repression of indigenous peoples defending land and resources.

Strengthened leadership capacity of the Cordillera Elders Alliance Regional Council and at least two provincial chapters of the Cordillera Elders Alliance in asserting FPIC and defense of lands and resources from mining, energy and other destructive initiative.

Local partner information:
Established in 2006, the Cordillera Elders Alliance (CEA) is a federation of 6 provincial and inter-provincial elders’ organizations in the Cordillera. It is composed of tribal elders, peace pact holders and traditional leaders of different tribes. CEA works for the defense of Cordillera indigenous peoples’ rights to ancestral land, natural resources self determination and human rights. It pursues the protection and enhancement of indigenous socio-political systems, culture, identity, traditional knowledge and values. CEA’s program includes organizing among indigenous elders, building and strengthening local elders’ organizations, transmitting traditional knowledge and values to the youth, networking, alliance and solidarity building among various sectors; education and training, promotion of inter-tribal peace.

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