
Promoting community understanding and adaptation to climate change through inter-generational, inter-cultural alliances and action

Local Partner:Lattu Lifespring

Background and  objective: The purpose of the project is to empower indigenous children and youth in the rangelands of northern Kenya to understand asses and address the impacts of climate change on the future of their biocultural heritage through intercultural dialogue and intergenerational alliances. 

Through promotion of inter-generational learning together, the project will enable the participants to learn and practice indigenous resource governance; land rights and how to alleviate the impact of climate change on the environment and on their communities through building resilience.

Through implementation of this initiative the group created awareness on climate change, set up a
permanent educational exhibition on culture and climate change, documented ecological knowledge
related to weather forecasting and climate coping strategies among communities, undertook
intergenerational natural resource and territory mapping exercises, created youth networks for action
against climate change and undertook tree planting exercises

Local partner information: 

Lattu Lifespring is a Community Based Organization working in Isiolo County in northern Kenya was formed in September 2017 and registered with the Department of Social Services in 2019. The organization works with primary schools, parents and children to promote early child education through providing opportunities for children to appreciate and learn their languages, indigenous knowledge, cultural practices and to acquire the necessary skills to enable them grasp and tackle emerging environmental and social issues of concern.

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