
K’aslemal por la salud y soberanía alimentaria de mujeres mayas kaqchikel

LOCAL PARTNER: Alianza Nacional de Organizaciones de Mujeres Indígenas por las Salud, Educación y Nutrición ALIANMISAR Chimaltenango

The project aims to validate the ancestral knowledge and practices of food sovereignty and health, and strengthen the cultural identity of young Maya women in the Department of Chimaltenango. The project includes three fundamental moments: 1) systematization, publication, and distribution of knowledge and ancestral practices on health and food sovereignty in municipalities of the department of Chimaltenango and Guatemala. 2) Development of a training process based on this information entitled “Cultural identity and the specific rights of women and indigenous peoples”, including 26 young women, with 6 modules to be developed (15 hours each). 3) Development of practical and pedagogical tour to conclude with a public discussion.

Se ha visibilizado y sistematizado la importanci de la práctica de los conocimientos ancestrales en la vida cotidiana salud y soberanía alimentaria. Proceso de reivindicación de los conocimientos ancestrales en mujeres. 30 mujeres jóvenes han fortalecido y asumido su identidad cultural.

Local Partner:

ALIANMISAR (Aalliance of Indigenous women’s organizations for health, education and nutrition) was initiated to demand the rights to indigenous women’s health and begging with 7 women’s organizations in Kaqchikel, Mam, Achi and Tzuzujil. Women there are users of public health services, where they are discriminated against and receive bad treatment from staff. Given this worsening problem, especially with regard to education and nutrition, the Alliance has also been strengthened. It has grown to around 300 organizations, committees, and groups of indigenous women participants, working to influence public policies guaranteeing the right to health, education, and food sovereignty for Mayan women in Guatemala with quality, warmth, and cultural relevance from the villages. The Alliance’s vision is to “be an alliance of indigenous women’s organizations recognized at national and international levels, generating change in women’s lives through their empowerment and participation in the faithful fulfillment of their sexual and reproductive rights with cultural relevance”. Their mission is to “ensure the fulfilment of sexual and reproductive rights with cultural relevance through advocacy, vigilance, and political dialogue in order to promote the formulation and implementation of public policies that contribute to reduced maternal mortality among the indigenous women of Guatemala.

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