
Fortalecimiento de sistemas alimentarios tradicionales a través de la implementación de estrategias locales de formación e incidencia de las mujeres indígenas en Brasil, Perú, Paraguay, Nepal, Bangladesh e Indonesia.

LOCAL PARTNER: FIMI – Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas

The Project aims to strengthen traditional food systems in 6 (six) countries of Latin America (Brazil, Peru, Paraguay) and Asia (Bangladesh, Nepal and Indonesia) through the implementation of local training strategies, awareness, and events. The project involves indigenous women leaders who have participated in a training course on “Human Rights, Food Security and Nutrition” as part of FIMI’s partnership with the FAO (2017-2018) in the framework processes initiated by participants in the Global Leadership School.
The Project contributes to strengthening the leadership role of indigenous women participants in the Global Leadership School, supporting them technically and financially, improving their access to educational opportunities, making decisions at local, departmental and global levels. The project will provide training to 168 indigenous women through workshops, long-term training cycles, and systematization of local food practices.

Local Partner:
FIMI’s mission is to “encourage indigenous women leaders and human rights activists from different parts of the world to agree on agendas, build capacities and develop leadership.” The organization encourages participation of indigenous women in international decision-making processes in order to ensure real and effective change. The organization has an important global trajectory with organizations of the United Nations system (Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Commission on the Status of Women, CSW according to its acronym in English, the Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC), among others). In addition, FIMI has a philanthropic arm called “Fondo AYNI” for granting subsidies and technical support for projects developed by groups, organizations, and networks of indigenous women in different regions of the world. Decision-making mechanisms are articulated around a Board of Directors, an Executive Director, and various Strategic and Transversal Programs, including the Global Leadership School which promotes implementation of education and training, in alignment with Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation.

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