
Empowerment of Indigenous Peoples of Asia and Pan-Pacific through Food 3 Years Initiative

LOCAL PARTNER: Ainu Women’s Assocation

Background and objective:
The foundation of the livelihood of indigenous peoples, including the Ainu people in Japan, has been dismantled and deprived, especially in the process of modernization and globalization. It is more urgent than ever to reconsider the knowledge, skills, and existence of indigenous peoples in order to transform our world toward sustainability especially on issues relating to food.
Indigenous peoples of Japan, Asia, and Pan-Pacific will be empowered through food cultures by hosting the third global Indigenous Terra Madre meeting, at the Sapporo Pirka Kotan, Ainu Culture Promotion Center, Hokkaido, Japan. The event has symposiums and work sessions to deepen discussions and exchanges, and connect them to announcement of declarations and collaborative actions. In addition, workshops and food fairs will be held to widely improve understanding and awareness of ethnic minorities and promote the formation of a new framework for minority ethnic support. By highlighting positive experiences, connecting and empowering indigenous peoples in Asia and the Pan-Pacific through food, and exploring traditional and new perspectives, it can enhance learnings and provide inspiration for the continued stewardship journey, which benefits not only indigenous peoples, but all humankind.

Individual action plans and prayer for the future were formed and announced to the publicbased on the developed understanding on the common challenges among indigenouspeoples.The indigenous peoples network was strengthened.The level of understanding and awareness towards the Ainu and other indigenous peoples and their surrounding circumstances got improved. Local enterprises and organizations are eager to collaborate with Ainu women.Supporting partners have shown will to continue their support based on the impact on the event.

Local partner information:
The Ainu Women’s Association Menoko Mosmos was established in April 2017. Menoko means women and Mosmos means awakening in Ainu language. The mission of the association is to restore the right of Ainu women and to create a society where Ainu women are empowered to safeguard Ainu traditions and transmit their culture to future generations. In addition to the association’s ongoing lobbying for the human rights of the Ainu people and activities fighting discrimination, Menoko Mosmos sees a silver lining in the power of food as a means of introducing positive discussions. The association has been working closely with Slow Food Nippon since its establishment, and jointly organized the First Ainu Food Festival in October 2017 with Slow Food.

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