
Economic Development with Identity: Strengthening of traditional knowledge for resilience based on tourism in two ecological environment in Bolivia: Andean and Amazonian


/ Ecolodge San Miguel del Bala.

The proposal is to improve the knowledge and practices that contribute to the climatic resilience of the Andean and Amazonian Indigenous people in two socially, economically and ecologically highly differentiated zones in Bolivia: the Andean zone of the Salar de Uyuni and the Amazonian zone.  In both cases, it aims to strengthen existing indigenous initiatives regarding ecological entrepreneurships based on tourism associated to ancestral knowledge, including the use of languages and means of living that has given them resilience to face climate change and has contributed to the conservation of biodiversity.  

Andina: Se cuenta con un breve documento el cual realizó la identificación de variedades de semillas nativas. Se realizaron talleres Virtuales (Webinar) sobre Turismo Comunitario y sus efectos post Coronavirus (COVID – 19), con más de 200 participantes.
Amazonas: El fortalecimiento orgánico a las Autoridades de la comunidad de San Miguel del Bala. Se ha identificado y elaborado por primera vez un mapa de las vertientes y ojos de agua de la Comunidad y se ha dado la protección a través de una Resolución Interna de la Comunidad. Con las sabias, sabios y personas mayores, se revalorizó el conocimiento sobre plantas medicinales realizando la recopilación propia y sus formas tradicionales de curar enfermedades.Se incorporó a los profesores de la Unidad Educativa de la Comunidad.

Local Partner:

The Federación Sindical Única de Mujeres Campesinas del Altiplano Sud – Bartolina Sisa (FSUMCAS – BS), is an organization that fights for the rights of indigenous women of the Southern Altiplano, which brings together the 5 provinces (Antonio Quijarro, Nor Lípez, Daniel Campos, Enrique Baldivieso and Sud Lípez), was created in 1985. Together with the Federación Regional Única de Trabajadores Campesinos del Altiplano Sud (FRUTCAS) and its Provincial Centrals, it permanently fought for land, territory, natural resources and the rights of indigenous peoples.

Ecolodge Miguel del Bala is a community initiative for ecotourism, created in 2002, with the objective of generating sources of employment for women and men of the community and raising awareness among visitors about biodiversity and the environment. There are currently 30 community workers, most of them women. The ecolodge has a board of directors made up of 8 community members. 

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