
Culture and Practices for Natural Resource and Community Risk Management

LOCAL PARTNER: Centro Juventude Covalima (CJC)

Background and objective:
The tradition of Tara Bandu which is an integral part of custom to control and manage over community resources is almost disappearing. On the other hands, support and participation of local authorities obtained during implementation of the activities considered that Tara Bandu is important to reinforce and strengthen formal laws [laws of the state] for preventing degradation and allowing reforestation, and define roles and responsibility and ownership of the community to implement for their own benefits. The main goal of the project is to ensure the resurgence of the Tara Bandu into practice in other districts and to document the process in order to maintain and transmit to the new generations for its continuity. Centro Juventude Covalima successfully implemented Tara Bandu ceremony and documentation in Fatumea Sub-district under PAWANKA Fund in 2016 In this follow up project CJC intends to expand the activity in other sub-districts in Covalima especially in the highland to support the revival of the Tara Bandu traditional into practices and transmit the culture to the new generations for its continuity and expand the same activities in the Fohorem Sub-district situated in the remote highland of Covalima and mostly prone to disaster such as landslides, strong wind and mostly practice “slash and burn” culture of shifting cultivation due to un-following of Tara Bandu culture. In relation to Culture and Practices for Natural Resource and Community Risk Management issues, it will conduct combine community knowledge, perception and analysis togain understanding on hazard related risks and coping requirements to increase their resilience through identification of community capacities to deal with hazards related risks.

Tara Bandu tradition was preserved and revived into practice again to manage and regulate human interactions with the environment and natural resource management for its sustainability.b) The Tara Band process was well documented and its story had widely disseminated at the community levels and relevant government institutions.

Local partner information:
Centro Juventude Covalima (Covalima Youth Center/CYC) spinned off from the Circlo Studu Juventude (Youth Study Circle) established in early 2000. The organization was officially transformed as CYC in April 4, 2001 .It was established representatively under multi ethnic groups that exist in Covalima district with the objective to facilitate the needs of young people to: (a) actively participate in the rebuilding of the nation; (b) advance the advocacy for the recognition and protection of indigenous peoples rights; and (c) maintain and sustain the transmission of indigenous knowledge and practices (socio-cultural, politics, and environment) as an identity of indigenous communities.

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