
Addressing the climate change resilience to Indigenous Peoples in Tanzania

Local Partner: Pastoralists Indigenous Non Governmental Organizations PINGOs

Background and  objective: 

The proposed project aims at building the capacity and strengthen Indigenous Peoples knowledge and skills to be resilience from the climate change impacts through capacity building programs, dialogues between Indigenous Peoples and decision makers on climate change issues, information and documentation on the traditional knowledge and the best cultural practices to address climate change effects. The final beneficiaries are IPs in Tanzania include the Hadzabe and Akiye (hunter/gatherers) and Maasai (pastoralists). The Hadzabe and Akiye number around 6000 people, and the Maasai and Barabaig pastoralists around 450.000 and 90.000 people respectively. The Action will specifically benefit 40.000 individuals from around 10 villages. It is also targeting 30 civil society organizations from both indigenous peoples and other advocacy organizations. Women and youth will also be targeted as beneficiaries and 50 percent of the members of other community who will benefit from the project will be women.

Experience, knowledge shared and practices on climate change among the communities. Capacity of indigenous communities to address climate change related impacts enhanced. Implemented community clean energy initiatives. Community climate change adaptation plans developed. Knowledge of Indigenous People promoted through mass and social media, learning and exchange of information. Best traditional knowledge and traditional practices on climate change among indigenous communities and other communities documented and shared. Improved community capacity to adapt and mitigate impacts of climate change and environmental protection

Local partner information:

 Pastoralist Indigenous Non-Governmental Organizations Forum (PINGO’s Forum) is formed in 1994 and formally registered in 1996 as a membership Organization of more than 52 CSOs members working Country-wide. PINGO’s Forum is a National human rights organization that advocates and promotes the rights of indigenous peoples (Mainly pastoralists and hunters- gatherer communities, the marginalized and minority groups in the country) and amplifies their voices in Tanzania.

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