
Supporting Kui people’s rights and resilience.

Grant name: Supporting Kui people’s rights and resilience.

Local partner: Organization For the Promotion of  Kui Culture (OPKC)

Country: Cambodia 

Background and objective 

According to field observation, most people who live in the Cheysen and Roveang district are affected by land and mining concessions – significant areas have been granted to Chinese gold mining companies. This, together with unregulated mining, is resulting in poisoned streams and waterways. Analysis of the existing situation indicates many of indigenous peoples in the area are in debt to microfinance institutions. Some community members have started to seek work outside of the community or engage in illegal logging in an effort to survive. At the same time social issues such as gambling, domestic violence, and drug use have started to rise. In recent years, farming has resulted in crop failures and people have experienced acute food shortages.

Through the project OPKC will support community organizers working in 12 Kui villages, undertaking awareness-raising campaigns and community organization around emerging issues. OPKC believes that organizing people is the only way to develop self-determination. This approach will empower indigenous communities to stand up for their rights and maintain their cultures.

Bongkernphal community was paid attention by village, commune, and district authorities for participating in community-organized programs. In addition, the community has managed the forest land with the establishment of a committee, a patrol group, a group of elders camping in the forest at th border, and prevent illegal logging both outside and inside.

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