
Strengthening Indigenous Baka Traditional Medicine, Traditional Healing and Health Care Systems.

rant name: Strengthening Indigenous Baka Traditional Medicine, Traditional Healing and Health Care Systems.

Local partner: Lelewal Foundation

Country: Cameroon

Background and objective

Traditional medicine, knowledge and health care systems of the Baka pygmies have been deteriorating over time. Baka pygmies are known for having good traditional medicine on which they have depended for decades. The advent of modern medicine and the lack of communication and interaction with mainstream society threatens the diversity of these cultural healings and beliefs.

The project aims to strengthen Indigenous Baka Traditional Medicine, Traditional Healing and Health Care Systems to popularize traditional medicine and healings, to build the capacity of the Baka Pygmies, particularly women and girls, on reproductive health. The project will also create a traditional healer’s platform for the exhibition of traditional medicine and healing systems.

A traditional healer’s platform created with seventeen members from thirteen Baka champs in Djoum and traditional healing brought back within the community set-up. Knowledge has been transmitted to the younger generation as youths were part of the initiative activities. Baka traditional healers were able to make money from their healing systems. Networking between the Baka traditional healers and the traditionalists from the main stream Bantu community helping them participate in national trade fares to sell their traditional knowhow to the Cameroonian public. ncreased community awareness on HIV prevention and treatment.Increased girl child awareness on dangers of early pregnancies, single motherhood and sexually transmitted diseases.

Local partner information

Lelewal actively advocates for the rights of indigenous peoples in Cameroon. It raises awareness on the dangers of climate change, especially on the livelihoods of indigenous peoples and nature dependent communities in Cameroon. Lelewal advocated for the inclusion of indigenous peoples in REDD+ processes in Cameroon and is actively included in the operationalization of the Indigenous Peoples Policy of the Green Climate Fund, both at the national and global levels. Lelewal is a member of the Indigenous People Global Partnership on Forest and Sustainable Development (ELATIA GROUP) spearheaded by the Philippines based TEBTEBBA FOUNDATION.

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