
Strengthen Territorial Governance and Revalue Ancestral Knowledge with Equality and Equity in Ch’orti’ Indigenous Communities

Grant name: Strengthen Territorial Governance and Revalue Ancestral Knowledge with Equality and Equity in Ch’orti’ Indigenous Communities

Local partner: COMUNDICH- Coordinator of Associations and Communities for the Development of the Maya Ch´orti´ Peoples

Country: Guatemala (Municipalities of: Camotán, Jocotán, La Unión, Departament of Chiquimula y Zacapa) 

Background and objective

Efforts to legitimize the rights of the Ch’orti’ people have made important advancements, including the recognition of identity, organizations and authority; as well as territorial and environmental restitution of ancestral rights. In spite of these advancements, the Ch’orti’ face a repressive system that persecutes and judicializes their struggle, imprisons and assassinates indigenous leaders, and stigmatizes and demonizes spiritual life and ancestral knowledge.

The project seeks to strengthen the territorial governance of the Ch’orti’ people by supporting indigenous authorities to access justice through the revalorization of ancestral knowledge. To achieve this end, the project will work on: 1) strengthening indigenous authorities using a model for exercising territorial administration with equality and gender equity; 2) reinforcing indigenous women collectives to improve access to justice and territorial and environmental rights and 3) restoration of ancestral knowledge through a group of healing grandmothers.

Fortalecidas veintiuna autoridades indígenas (15 mujeres y 6 hombres) sobre un modelo de ejercicio de la administración territorial con igualdad y equidad de género. Fortalecido el colectivo de mujeres indígenas para su acceso a la justicia y su reclamo de derechos territoriales y ambientales. La recuperación de los conocimientos ancestrales para la vida comunal por parte de un colectivo de abuelas sanadoras.

Local partner information 

The Coordinator of Associations and Communities for the Development of the Maya Ch´orti´ Peoples (COMUNDICH) works to achieve the recognition, respect and exercise of the rights of the Maya Ch’orti ‘people, based on their own ways of life and self-determination, eliminating socio-economic and cultural forms, systems, and practices that generate discrimination, inequality and exclusion, in strict observance of a multi-ethnic, pluricultural and multilingual State.

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