
Promotion and Transformation of Traditional Healing Practices of Indigenous Peoples for Good Health and Wellbeing in Nepal

Grant name: Promotion and Transformation of Traditional Healing Practices of Indigenous Peoples for Good Health and Wellbeing in Nepal

Local partner: Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Research and Development (CIPRED)

Country: Nepal (Mountain region)

Background and objective 

Indigenous peoples traditional healing practices “Amchi” used to serve as best practices for the prevention of illness, good health, and treatment in indigenous communities for generations. However, due to the influx of Western health systems in Nepal, they are at the edge of disappearing. Existing healing practices are only being used in remote mountain indigenous communities like the Lomangthang and Nubri.

The purpose of the project is to document existing indigenous peoples’ traditional healing practices and use that information to advocate for and lobby relevant government agencies to acknowledge indigenous traditional healing practices. The project also seeks to ensure the institutionalization of indigenous traditional healing practices so that they are accepted and used by the Ministry of Health in Nepal.

Documented the traditional healing practices, “Amchi” of indigenous communities of mountain region in Manaslu Conservation Area, Gorkha, Nepal. Disseminated the reports among the concerned stakeholders for the realization and sensitization of the importance of Amchi for protection, promotion and recognition of traditional healing practices that not only contributed for treating the patien

Local partner information

The Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Research and Development (CIPRED) has been implementing Community Based Monitoring and Information Systems (CBMIS) as a pilot programs in Nepal, in partnership with TEBTEBBA, since 2011.  The program aims to document indigenous knowledge systems in monitoring natural resources including forests, water, herbal medicine, ecosystem and biodiversity as a means for acknowledging their rights. CIPRED has also been involved in national level project activities in the implementation of the dissemination of the Forest Investment Project (FIP) Implementation Plan and the Dedicated Grand Mechanism (DGM).

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