
Conservation and promotion of local plants species to enhance food security, health and wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples in Thailand (CPPS)

Grant name: Conservation and promotion of local plants species to enhance food security, health and wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples in Thailand (CPPS)

Local partner: Network of Indigenous Peoples in Thailand (NIPT)

Country: Thailand

Background and objective

Local plants species which are rich in nutrients and commonly used for food and healing purposes by various indigenous groups are drastically decreasing. One of the main reasons is the change in the production system from a subsistent to a cash crop economy. Such kind of production system requires a larger plot of land and extensive use of chemicals. This gradually affects traditional production systems and results in the loss of local plant species including knowledge relating to such practices.


The project aims to assess the status of local plant species traditionally used by indigenous communities in different parts of Thailand, to conserve and promote food security, and preserve the health and wellbeing of indigenous peoples. Information from the study will be used for awareness raising, promotion and preservation of plants which are rich in nutrients, healthy, and have the ability to resist certain types of diseases. The project will also promote organic food production and reduce the use of chemicals.

60 Village volunteers were trained on data collection, data verification and data management technique.A training manual on data collection was prepared and produced for village volunteers. A consolidated report on the status and trend of conservation and use of local plants species to enhance food security, health and wellbeing of indigenous peoples was finalized and used for sharing among involved indigenous groups. Three VDO clips on IP knowledge and plant conservation were produced in Thai with sub-title in English. 500 copies of booklets on the status and trend of conservation and use of local plants species to enhance food security, health and wellbeing of indigenous peoples. There were 179 indigenous participants attending the dialogue workshop on IP knowledge on medicinal plants and food security held at IMPECT training center

Local partner information

The Network of Indigenous Peoples in Thailand (NIPT) is a national network of indigenous peoples with the aim to promote and protect the rights of indigenous peoples in Thailand. NIPT was formed in 2007 with the members of 27 individual indigenous peoples’ networks. Its programs focus on human rights and environmental advocacy. 

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