
Conflict Resolution and Indigenous Peoples

Grant name: Conflict Resolution and Indigenous Peoples

Local partner: Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC)

Country: South Africa 

Background and objective

There is a need for indigenous communities, including women and youth, to fully enjoy land and resource rights through the recognition and fulfillment of their rights, and the implementation of African human rights mechanisms and national courts decisions. Internal land and natural based conflicts are rampant in most indigenous peoples’ territories in Africa, and have impacted indigenous women and children in numerous ways. Most conflicts are caused by the non-recognition of indigenous peoples, historical marginalization, denial of their land rights, government development agendas, climate change, among others.

 The objective of the project is to train indigenous peoples to enable dialogue and facilitate traditional dispute resolution (mediation) between communities and their respective governments. The activity will be implemented in partnership with the University of Cape Town and will target indigenous leaders from Kenya, Botswana, South Africa, Morocco, Chad, Tanzania and DRC; high level executive and judicial officials from Kenya, Botswana and South Africa; representatives of the African Commission, Africa Court, Chairpersons of the African Commission; and the EMRIP & UNPFII.  

Improved relationship between community members. This was successful as community members have made peace and are working towards a common goal for the greater good of the community. Improved relationship between community members and other stakeholders : on going process which will take time. A film on the process of community consultation and the training session where these iconic cases will be used as case-studies. Transfer of knowledge between the three communities. The structures have been established to facilate the consistent flow of information.

Local partner information

The Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee (IPACC) was founded by the African indigenous Caucus in Geneva in 1994. IPACC is a membership-based network, currently comprising 133-member organizations, in 6 sub-regions, within 23 countries across Africa. IPACC has three core duties: 1) promote African Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights and Gender Equality, 2) promote African Indigenous peoples’ rights and participation in environmental conservation and climate justice, and 3) sustain and support aa regional network of African Indigenous Peoples’ organizations that is democratic and effective.

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