
Children Build Peace among Pastoral communities in Isiolo County

Grant name: Children Build Peace among Pastoral communities in Isiolo County

Local partner: Children Peace Initiative Kenya (CPI)

Country: Kenya (Isiolo County)

Background and objective 

The Turkana and Borana tribes have been in an entrenched conflict for decades, but the conflict escalated after the 2007 Presidential election. The root cause of the conflict is competition for cattle, water, and land, all of which are under stress due the effects of climate change. Because of the conflict, there is little to no communication or interaction between the two tribes except on the battlefield, further exacerbating mistrust and misunderstanding of one another. Many schools have been forced to close, and even more students have had to drop out due to the unsafe situation.

The project will bring together 180 school children and their parents from the warring Turkana and Borana tribes through four activities. Friendships developed between the children during activities will spread to their families and in turn to the entire communities. The end result will be peace; a complete transformation of the communities due to new friendships and respect; and the preservation of the indigenous way of life. 

Local partner information 

Children Peace Initiative Kenya (CPI Kenya) is a civil society initiative that specializes in conflict resolution and peace-building in the Northern Rift Valley of Kenya. CPI Kenya was founded in 2011. It has executed more than 100 major inter-community peace activities with children, parents and teachers among six pastoralist communities in the Northern and Rift valley regions of Kenya.

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