
Strengthening the Customary Institution of iban Sebaruk indigenous peoples for realizing an effective and credible customary law system in sanggau district, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia

Institut Dayakologi

Background and objective

Institut Dayakologi seek to strengthen customary institutions and law in the Iban Sebaruk Customary Administration, located in Sanggau District on the border between Indonesia and Malaysia. The main problem is that the credibility of the Iban Sebaruk Customary Administration Institution as the authority in charge of upholding customary law and protecting traditional territory remains low.  

The objective of the project is to strengthen the Iban Sebaruk Customary Administration in all aspects related to organization, human resources and organizational legitimacy. The project will promote local knowledge for managing the remaining customary territory and disseminate it through publications, community radio broadcast, local television and documentary films. The ultimate goal is to make Customary Law strong and credible in the territory of the Iban Sebaruk Customary Administration.

The customary institution of Iban Sebaruk function and operate effectively, Iban Sebaruk customary administrative institution has clear structure and function. The working system of Iban Sebaruk Customary institution has character, applicative and actual (flexible); The capacity of Iban Sebaruk Administrative’s devices developed through trainings. Customary law become the source of solving problem facing by the Indigenous Peoples. There women representatives in the structure of Iban sebaruk administrtaive institution . There are new customary law on banning selling land to the outsider as the result of agreement of the customary leaders of Iban Subaruk Customary Administrative.

Local partner information 

The Institut Dayakologi (ID) was originally known as the Institute of Dayakology Research and Development (IDRD). ID was officially established on May 21st, 1991 with a mandate to advocate for Dayak culture and indigenous peoples. Its key programs include research, studies, documentation and publication of the Dayak culture, as well as conducting advocacy for and collaboration and facilitation with the Dayak indigenous peoples.

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