
Strengthening indigenous institutions for leadership and self-determination

Cordillera Elders Alliance (CEA)

Background and objective

Traditional elders are dynamic leaders of the indigenous peoples of the Cordillera region who sustain indigenous institutions, protect cultural heritage and promote the sustainable use and management of resources. They are good practice models in all aspects of socio-economic and cultural life of their tribes — symbols and dispensers of order, authority, and justice; and bearers of knowledge, wisdom, and values in upholding the common good. However, the current fast paced social, economic, political, and cultural changes have eroded and undermined indigenous socio-political systems (ISPS), including traditional governance and leadership of elders.

The project aims to strengthen Cordillera indigenous institutions for self-governance, protection and defense of their lands, territories, and resources while asserting their right to self-determination. Through various activities, Cordillera indigenous elders will be able to effectively exercise leadership by enhancing indigenous socio-political systems for self-governance, mediating tribal conflicts, and promoting intertribal unity, cooperation and solidarity; as well as transmitting traditional knowledge and cultural values to the youth, and facilitating the effective participation of women and youth in community affairs, including in land and resource protection and management.

Strengthening the regional leadership of CEA for self-governance, conflict prevention and advocacy. It now has a new provincial chapter in Benguet. 40 emerging elder-leaders. mediation of two cases. Elders-Youth Cultural Exchange, 100 indigenous youth.

Local partner information

Established in 2006, the Cordillera Elders Alliance (CEA) is a federation of 6 provincial and inter-provincial elder organizations in the Cordillera region. It is composed of tribal elders, peace pact holders, and traditional leaders of different tribes. CEA works for the defense of Cordillera indigenous peoples’ rights to their ancestral land, natural resources, self-determination and human rights. It pursues the protection and enhancement of indigenous socio-political systems, culture, identity, traditional knowledge and values.

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