
Revitalizing, value-adding and applying boran waso traditional healing in northern Kenya

FAIYA Cultural Women Group

Background and objective

Traditional medicine is the total sum of indigenous knowledge based on theories, beliefs, and experiences used in the maintenance of health. In northern Kenya, however, the practice is facing many challenges, including a lack of official recognition and support to traditional healers, erosion of traditional knowledge, diminished opportunity to transmit the practice to the younger generations, and an absence of documentation of the knowledge and practice. For the nomadic pastoralist Boran people of Isiolo county, the problem is exacerbated by lack of mobile, accessible, and affordable modern medical services and constraints to reach traditional healers who are sparsely distributed over the vast semi-arid region that lacks road infrastructure as well as means of transport.

The project aims to identify and bring together traditional medical practitioners in Isiolo County, northern Kenya, in order to support their professional practice, promote knowledge exchange between practitioners and enhance solidarity, official recognition, and legitimacy. The project will create an inventory of biotic and abiotic medicinal elements, map their ecological and geographical distribution, and promote their in-situ and ex-situ conservation in the Waso region. The project will also document traditional healing processes, promote the transmission of this knowledge to the younger generation, support the creation of a Boran Waso traditional healers association, and establish healing centers in Isiolo County.

Thirty school children trained on ethno medicine, sharing of ideas and experience between elders and children of traditional healers, Herbarium established, Six Traditional healing centers established in Kinna,Kulamawe,Yaqbarsadi and Gootu.

Local partner information

The FAIYA Cultural Women Group is a legally-registered entity with the Ministry of Culture and Social Development. It is based in Isiolo County, northern Kenya, and is comprised by twenty members. The Group undertakes cultural activities including performances of traditional songs and dances, production and showcasing of cultural artifacts, and participation in traditional healing practices.

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