
International campaign on indigenous languages

NOTIMIA Agencia de noticias de mujeres indígenas y afrodescendientes

Background and objective

Many of indigenous peoples do not speak their languages because of an accelerated loss of their identity due to different historical, political, economic and social reasons. Indigenous languages are not only channels of communication, but are central to identity and the continuation of cultures, worldviews and spirituality. Indigenous languages are also critical to maintain and transmit traditional and ancestral knowledge. When indigenous languages are lost, indigenous peoples themselves are at risk.  

NOTIMIA will elaborate and launch an international campaign on indigenous peoples’ languages. The project focuses on the revitalization of indigenous languages to develop and transmit histories, oral traditions, culture, identity and traditional knowledge through community radios and social media. The objective is to highlight and transmit experiences, and indigenous women community knowledge, through different media strategies to revitalize oral traditions and the use of indigenous languages.

el alcance del proyecto, fueron muy predecibles porque a pesar de algunas dificultades que nos enfrentamos, se logró hacer la difusión por las lenguas en varios espacios y que no solo se redujo en las redes, sino que en escuelas, encuentros, logrando el alcance de los objetivos que se plantearon.

Local partner information

The News Agency for Indigenous and Afro-descendant Women – NOTIMIA “Voices, Media and Networks for Peace” is the result of the work carried out over three years by the Alliance of Indigenous Women of Central America and Mexico, in coordination with various international institutions. NOTIMIA was created with the aim of strengthening the networks of indigenous and afro-descendant communicators, who are carrying out their professional work in Latin America. Currently, 300 indigenous women communicators are part of NOTIMIA and periodically elaborate and disseminate communication materials in print, digital, audiovisual and auditory formats.

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