
Indigenous knowledge in traditional handicrafts of indigenous women in Thailand

Indigenous Women’s Network of Thailand (IWNT)

Background and objective

Although indigenous peoples cultures and ways of life are promoted by the Thai government for tourism purposes, indigenous peoples traditional knowledge has never been truly recognized and valued. Likewise, young indigenous children and youth are all encouraged to go to Thai school, learn the Thai language and culture, and act like a Thai person. While education is important, this should not weaken indigenous peoples values, culture and identity as distinct peoples. At present, there is no system that supports indigenous peoples in the preservation of their traditional knowledge, which is essential for their continued survival, cultural integrity and identity.

Indigenous women in Thailand who are repositories of indigenous knowledge are also struggling to sustain and ensure the transmission of knowledge to the younger generations. This project is thereby envisioned for handicraft development, production and marketing for income generation. It seeks to contribute to the economic empowerment of indigenous women, while ensuring the transmission of indigenous knowledge.

Publication of the indigenous knowledge on weaving and embroidery (patterns, designs and meaning).Existing indigenous women’s handicraft groups are strengthened and working together to enhance their production, promotion and marketing. Indigenous children and youth are aware and knowledgeable of their indigenous knowledge on handicrafts.Increased public awareness of the Thai public and tourist in Thailand on the indigenous knowledge and handicrafts of indigenous peoples. Economic empowerment of indigenous women.

Local partner information

The Indigenous Women’s Network of Thailand (IWNT) was founded in 1993 to provide a gender perspective to the development of activities affecting indigenous peoples in Thailand. IWNT is led by a group of indigenous women and works to improve the lives of indigenous women and girls in Thailand. At present, IWNT works with 14 indigenous women groups, namely the Karen, Ahka, Shan/Thai Yai, Lua, Hmong, Kachin, Lahu, Lisu, Mien, Dara-ang, Tin, Morken, Morklen and the Urak Lawoy.

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