
The Menominee path to climate resiliency is found within the Menominee language

Collage of Menominee Nation

The College of Menominee Nation’s Sustainable Development Institute and the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin’s Language Immersion Program will obtain guidance on how to revitalize the Menominee language in support of a larger Tribal effort to establish a charter immersion school to be run by Omaeqnomenewak (“People of the Wild Rice”) through guidance and mentoring from successful Hawaiian charter school system. The focus of the project will be on language revitalization, charter school development, within the context of climate resiliency efforts.


Connect tribal climate resiliency understanding to language revitalization efforts of the Omaeqnomenewak.

Language lesson plans focused on climate resiliency as it was practiced by our ancestors A series of four climate resiliency language roundtables held in each of our five main communities.A final draft of a 13 moon calendar with the seasons and activities as they were practiced by our ancestors
Seminar presented at CMN, open to the public, about the initiative to include but not be limited to overview of the initiative, the challenges and successes of the Climate Resiliency Language.


The College of Menominee Nation (CMN) is a Tribal College located on the Omaeqnomenewak Indian Reservation in northeast Wisconsin. CMN was created through the foresight of the tribal leadership that recognized the importance of having an institution of higher education that would provide post-secondary education for its people. Founded in 1993 and chartered by the Menominee people, CMN now serves not only the Omaeqnomenewak but also the Tribal Nations of northeast Wisconsin, and other indigenous peoples from across the U.S., and as well as non- Indians in surrounding communities. CMN is governed by a 7 member Board of Directors made up of enrolled tribal members who are appointed by the Menominee Tribal Legislature.

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